Friday 17 October 2014

100wc week 7

prompt is I could not believe that smell.

On one superb morning when I was walking on the street. I found a school bag on the lying on the ground, I went and had a look inside the bag to see who's it is then "ewe!'' I shouted, I could not believe that smell. "Whats that smell in that lunch box?'' I asked I held my breath as long as I could and saw flies over the lunch box. I had to take another breath. I went down an checked the lunch box in the school bag. I opened the lunch box slowly. I spotted a mouldy apple and bread and sushi in the in the lunch box. It smelt disgusting I quickly shut the lunch box and walked away.


  1. A common occurrence in our school Alex, but well described. You've clearly made the effort to use richer vocabulary to make your story more readable. Take care though to also aim for varied sentence starters (6 consecutive sentences started with "I...").
    Well done and keep rising to the Challenge.

  2. A common occurrence in our school Alex, but well described. You've clearly made the effort to use richer vocabulary to make your story more readable. Take care though to also aim for varied sentence starters (6 consecutive sentences started with "I...").
    Well done and keep rising to the Challenge.
